Ferti Technologies Inc.

Ferti Technologies is committed to providing high quality products. We carefully select our materials to develop formulations specific to your needs. Each stage of the manufacturing process has been governed by a strict production protocol for over 25 years.


List of employees member of the QGSA 


Annie Vaillancourt
Cell. : (514) 692-6802
Email : availlancourt@fertitechno.com


Marc Vaillancourt
Cell. : (514) 809-1564
Email : mvaillancourt@fertitechno.com

Contact information :

560, chemin Rhéaume
C.P. 129
St-Michel (Québec) J0L 2J0
Tél. : (450) 454-5367
Téléc. : (450) 454-6558


Email & Web site 

Email : info@fertitechno.com
Web site : http://www.fertitechnologies.com/