Les produits EZEPUTT s.e.n.c.

EZEPUTT products gp is the fruit of the partners, regular golf players from the Quebec City region. The idea has come since the new regulation allows to keep the flag on the green, so it is difficult to extract the balls from the cup with the flagpole in place. So we developed a golfball catcher that installs at the base of the flagpole, to make it easier for players to retrieve. It is possible to easily extract one, two, three or even four balls at a time, only by raising the flagpole and that even without bending.

This ball extraction system helps to speed up play and maintain the integrity of the cup on the green. This product is protected by a “Patent pending”.  


List of employee member of the QGSA


Jean-Pierre Joly
Cell. : (819) 571 1677
Email : cjpjoly1@videotron.ca

Contact information :

1326, Corrigan
Québec (Québec) G1W 3E7
Tél. : (418) 659-4084